DCMS XC is on the road at Stonewall Resort this afternoon!
Francesca "Fran" Bennett, a 5th-grade student at DCMS, proudly led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Doddridge County Board of Education's Regular Meeting tonight.
ATTN: Students & Families -
DCMS will host our Fall Sports Pep Rally this Thursday! Please encourage your student to wear their class color and show their school spirit!
Accessories and spirit wear will be acceptable for use/wear at the Pep-Rally only. If students wish to bring hats, glasses, pom-poms, etc. they may be kept in their locker for use at that time only. No face-paint or coverings will be allowed.
Hayden and Emmett Dotson proudly led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Doddridge County Board of Education Special Meeting on Monday, August 26, 2024.
Hayden and Emmett Dotson proudly led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Doddridge County Board of Education Special Meeting on Monday, August 26, 2024.
Third Judicial Circuit Judge Tim Sweeney issued a preliminary injunction earlier today which granted Doddridge County High School’s request to compete in the Single A classification for football for the 2024 season.
Judge Sweeney’s Order does not change the classification of any other school. The Order is specifically limited to Doddridge County High School and is preliminary in nature.
Doddridge County Schools Superintendent Scott Cochran said, “Judge Sweeney’s order today reflects what we have been arguing for months. Doddridge County High School should be classified with those schools that are similar in size, located in our region, and which we have a history of competition that goes back many decades. Today’s order restores competitive balance, provides for player safety, and will ensure that our natural rivals remain on our schedule in future years. I wish to thank Judge Sweeney for acting on our request prior to the start of the football season.”
August Monthly Newsletter
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,
Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! I am thrilled to kick off my first year as superintendent with what promises to be a year filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences.
Opening days are important. I was so pleased with the excitement our administrators, teachers, staff, and service personnel brought to the first day of school. Enthusiasm is contagious. As I travel around the district I am so excited to see this energy continue with our students. We are looking forward to a great year!
This year we are partnering with Communities in Schools on an attendance initiative. We are calling ours “Bulldogs in the Building.” When students miss school they clearly cannot benefit from the instruction offered or the opportunity to engage and develop positive relationships at school. Students missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences and suspensions—can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school.
The West Virginia State Legislature recently passed new attendance laws. Here are some important changes
• Parents/Guardians MUST provide excuses within 3 school days of return to school
• There is an absolute maximum of 10 parent/guardian notes per year
• Parent notes are for illness and injury of student or family member that prevents student attendance
• Doctor’s excuses do not count against parent note limit
Please keep a look out for construction vehicles at the Early Learning Academy. We are increasing parking at the school in the very near future. The new parking should help alleviate some of the issues when we invite the community into the building.
I want to give a heartfelt welcome to our new families joining us this year! We are excited to have you as part of our school community and look forward to the positive impact your presence will bring. To our returning families, thank you for your continued support and dedication. We are eager to build on the successes of the past year and work together towards new goals.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Here’s to a fantastic start to the school year!
Scott Cochran
Doddridge County Schools Superintendent
Middle School Football Schedule Change
The Doddridge County Middle School football scrimmage scheduled for this evening is cancelled. The scrimmage will now be held tomorrow night, August 29 at 7:00 PM at Doddridge County High School. The Middle School football team will have practice tonight at 6:00 PM at the High School football field.
ATTN: Football Scrimmage for tonight has been cancelled & rescheduled.
There will be practice tonight at DCHS.
Ticket Information for Friday Night’s Game at St. Marys
You can purchase tickets ahead of the game on GOFAN. Here is the link.
Student tickets are $4.00 and Adult tickets are $5.00 and each have a $1.00 GoFan fee added.
Fans can also pay at the gate with a credit or debit card for the same rate using St. Marys card readers.
Cash tickets are $7.00 adults and $5.00 students at the gate.
Notice Regarding Friday’s Football Game at St. Marys
St. Marys will open its gates for the football game against Doddridge County at 6:30 PM. The game is at 8:00 PM. St. Marys accepts cash, credit cards or debit cards as forms of payment.
Doddridge County High Schools football game at St. Marys this Friday, August 30th, will now start at 8:00 PM due to a heat advisory.
Buses Running Late
Please be patient with our bus schedule today, August 22, 2024. There is road construction in West Union that is causing a delay.
Attention Parents and Guardians of Students in 4th – 9th Grade!
Please watch out for a letter from your child’s school with important information regarding results from the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA).
You may access your student’s individual assessment results for the WVGSA on the Family Portal. An access code, along with information on how to log on to the Family Portal, is provided in the letter. You will also be able to access an individualized video score report for your child through the Family Portal.
The Family Portal will provide better access to student test results for parents/guardians. It will include detailed information about student performance in math, English language arts, and science -- as well as access to Lexile and Quantile measures and the Lexile/Quantile Growth Plan.
After reviewing your student’s assessment results, we encourage you to talk with his or her teacher to discuss your child’s academic progress.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school.
Back to School - Coaching for Parents
The Doddridge County Board of Education recognized three students who submitted winning designs in the West Virginia Department of Education’s Mathematical Habits of Mind Poster Contest at Monday night’s board meeting. The board recognized Grace Godfrey, Deshawn Hyde and A’kaia Williams for their designs along with High School math teacher Marcie Yeater. Godfrey, Williams and Yeater were present at the board meeting.
In an effort to include students’ voices in the launch of the Unite with Numeracy initiative, the WVDE held the contest last school year. More than 200 students from all grade levels submitted their ideas/artwork on the eight Mathematical Habits of Mind depicting how math is a part of everyday life. Judges selected winners, and their submissions were the inspiration for the final designs. Teachers throughout the state will display the posters in their schools and classrooms to promote the importance and impact of math.
Superintendent Scott Cochran said “We are extremely proud of our students’ success competing against other top schools in the state. Only one other high school had more than one winner and only Doddridge County had three winners.”
Other winning schools were: Morgantown High School, George Washington High School, Berkeley Springs High School, Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute, Hurricane Town Elementary School, and Bridgeport Middle School.
At the meeting A’Kai Williams led the pledge of allegiance.
FYI: Football Practice Updates